ActiveXchange's Social Value module shows the predicted dollar value savings sports or leisure facilities generate as a result of members being physically active, and in turn reducing their risk against a number of health indicators and/or increasing their productivity and education attainment.
For Sports Organisations
Quantify the health savings your sport generates for your local community.
For Local Governments
Quantify the health savings the sports in your Local Government Area generate.
For Facility Operators
Quantify the health savings your leisure facilities and sites generate for your local community.
Leisure only
Shows how the total savings accrued is split into the different indicators
Sums up the savings by age group, gender & deprivation, broken down by Acute and Chronic savings
Identifies and benchmarks value by clubs and sites, and reduction in risk for Acute and Chronic indicators
Use of unconverted demand to forecast potential growth in savings by area and by metric
The sum of all social value savings by all members and all indicators and ongoing trends
Benchmark table to compare sport value with industry averages based on similar sports
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